
The Serbian Geological Society (Srpsko geološko društvo - SGD) is a voluntary scientific organization of the Serbian geologists.

Serbian Geological Society was founded in 1891 with an objective: "to perform geological investigations of Serbian and other lands of the Balkan Peninsula, as well to inform its members and other interested parties about the achievement in the field of geology and affiliated sciences."


5th IAH CEG Conference – abstract submission has been extended to May 5

Published 26.04.2022. - 16:03 | Published by |
  Dear colleagues! I would like to inform you that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to May 5. Also, I am pleased to inform you that we have found sponsors and that the field trip is now included in the registration fee and does not cost extra! I am sending you the updated second announcement and call for abstracts for the 5th IAH CEG (International Association of Hydrogeologists, Central European Group) conference to be held in Rogaska Slatina, October 5-7, 2022. I kindly ask you to disseminate the information about the conference and the new deadline for abstract submission among your colleagues and association members.   I am looking forward to your contributions and welcome you,   Barbara Cencur Curk On behalf of the IAH CEG Conference Organising Committee

The EIT RawMaterials

Published 24.04.2022. - 18:03 | Published by |
  Dear partners and friends of the EIT RawMaterials Community, The EIT RawMaterials community is working to secure raw materials supply for Europe’s green transition - and to ensure that we have talent with innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets ready to take on the challenge. To help support this aim, our flagship Raw and Circular Economy Expedition (RACE) 2022 Summer School for Master and PhD students will take place from 20 August to 3 September and is now open for applications. RACE gives aspiring raw materials professionals the opportunity to connect, learn and innovate for pressing raw materials challenges. During the two-week programme, students gain exposure to industry, and take on real industrial challenges, listen to expert speakers and gain insight on entrepreneurship and innovation. We are looking for talented and enthusiastic master’s students from EIT RawMaterials partner universities who are studying disciplines including Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Sustainability, Materials Science, Materials Recycling, Industrial Ecology, Environmental Management and Policy, Mining, Metallurgy, Business, Economics or similar to take on the challenge. We’re also looking for PhD students, Post-Docs or young professionals in the raw materials field who are willing to join the RACE as facilitators. Students can find out more and apply by visiting the RACE 2022 website. The application deadline is 9 May 2022. Thank you in advance for spreading the word in your network and helping us to support the next generation of sustainability pioneers! Please find here a flyer with a summary of the programme. Kind regards, Ferdinand Bulmer Higher Education Manager

5th IAH CEG Conference

Published 05.04.2022. - 01:01 | Published by |
  Dear colleagues! I am very pleased to inform you that the deadline for abstract submission for the 5th IAH CEG Conference has been extended to 18 April 2022. I am sending you the updated 2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts for the 5th IAH CEG (International Association of Hydrogeologists, Central European Group) Conference, which will be held in Rogaska Slatina,  5 - 7 October 2022. I kindly ask you to disseminate the information about the conference and the new deadline for abstract submission among your colleagues and association members. Looking forward to seeing you in Rogaska Slatina!   Kind regards, Barbara Cencur Curk, Head of the 5th IAH CEG Organising Committee

Call for Abstracts for the 5th IAH CEG

Published 10.03.2022. - 09:22 | Published by |
  Dear colleagues! I am sending you the 2nd announcement and the Call for Abstracts for the 5th IAH CEG (International Association of Hydrogeologists, Central European Group) conference to be held in Rogaska Slatina, October 5 - 7, 2022. I kindly ask you to spread the information about the conference among your colleagues. Looking forward to seeing you in Rogaska Slatina! Barbara Cencur Curk, Head of the 5th IAH CEG Organising Committee


Published 20.02.2022. - 18:10 | Published by |
  Dear CROWDTHERMAL partners and LTPs, On 7 April 2022, the project is organising its first international conference in a hybrid format, in Madrid and online. This event will offer the occasion to introduce the set of CROWDTHERMAL services for community-funded geothermal projects. You can find all event information here: We kindly ask you to support the promotion of this event. For this purpose, please:
  1. Share the related social media posts:
https://twitter.com/CrowdthermalEU/status/1493944250710511617 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6899710316083830784/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CaClVOfqRsm/ https://www.facebook.com/CrowdthermalEU/photos/a.154423879287547/826676898728905/
  1. Distribute the first email circular, see here:
Enclosed you can also find the related promotional image in high resolution. Thank you in advance for your support!

Lithospheric Dynamics and Evolution of the Sedimentary Basin Fills

Published 24.12.2021. - 08:59 | Published by |
  Dear Colleagues, We would like to call your attention to the 'Lithospheric Dynamics and Evolution of the Sedimentary Basin Fills' seminar, which will be held in Sopron (Hungary) in the Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science between the 28th of March and the 1st of April in 2022, by two worldwide renowned scientists: Prof. Sierd Cloetingh and Prof. Bilal Haq. Originally this seminar would have been organised in May 2020, but it had to be postponed due to the COVID disease. We do hope that this time the seminar can go ahead with personal participation, nevertheless, we organise the seminar in a hybrid mode, so there will be also a possibility for joining online. We would be very grateful if you could circulate this news at your department/institute. The participation for early career scientists will be free, and funds will be available to cover accommodation and participation costs (i.e. field trip, coffee breaks, conference dinner, lunch and icebreaker). The formal registration is going to start early next year and it will be arranged on a ‘first comes, first served’ basis. The maximum number of participants will be limited to ~ 70 people. Our renovated building in Sopron offers a great venue and location for the seminar in the heart of Europe in the vicinity of two capitals: Vienna and Bratislava. Updated registration form and information about the seminar will be available on the link below early next year. An email will be sent out to inform you about the beginning of the registration. Website: http://basin.ggki.hu If you or your colleagues wish to participate and should have any questions, feel free to contact us. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are looking forward to seeing you in Sopron next year. István Kovács Eszter Békési Kristóf Porkoláb (Local organizing committee)

EARLY ANNOUNCEMENT: 18. Serbian Geological Congress – DIVČIBARE

Published 08.07.2021. - 19:31 | Published by |
Dear members of the Society and dear colleagues, We are pleased to inform you that next year will be a "congress year", and that the 18th Serbian Geological Congress (with international participation) will be held in Divčibare from June 1-4, 2022, at the Divčibare Hotel, which is located next to the main road. The management of SGD will do its best to provide the most favourable board prices for all members and participants of the congress. Additional benefits related to the payment of the registration fee can be expected for members of SGD who have regularly paid the membership fee (in the period from the 17th Congress to the date of registration) and of course our youngest colleagues - students. More information (about the price of accommodation, registration fees, excursions, sponsorship conditions) can be expected in the official first circular that we will publish by the end of September 2021. Feel free to comment, express your opinion, give your proposal, suggestion, or remark (at dragoljub.bajic@rgf.bg.ac.rs and/or office@sgd.rs), so that we can organise the Congress to the satisfaction of as many members as possible. SGD Management