
The Serbian Geological Society (Srpsko geološko društvo - SGD) is a voluntary scientific organization of the Serbian geologists.

Serbian Geological Society was founded in 1891 with an objective: "to perform geological investigations of Serbian and other lands of the Balkan Peninsula, as well to inform its members and other interested parties about the achievement in the field of geology and affiliated sciences."


At the Annual Assembly of the Serbian Geological Society

Published 18.03.2025. - 14:45 | Published by |
New governing bodies were elected at the Annual Assembly of the Serbian Geological Society, held on March 5, 2025. Dr. Uroš Đurić was appointed as the president, alongside Filip Arnaut (secretary), Dr. Ana Mladenović (treasurer), and six board members. Reports on activities and finances were adopted, and the membership fee remains unchanged. The new management announced a reform of the Statute, strengthened sections, promoted geology to the public, and organized the 19th Congress of Serbian Geologists.

5th International Professional Geology Conference (IPGC)

Published 03.02.2025. - 11:24 | Published by |
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the abstract submission period for the 5th International Professional Geology Conference (IPGC) is now open! This is a unique opportunity to present and showcase your research, contributions, and advancements in geology at an event that brings together the leading professionals in the field. The deadline for abstract submissions is 28 February 2025. You can find all the information at the following link: https://www.5th-ipgc.com/submission We are also proud to share that the Congress Technical Plan has been finalized. While minor adjustments may still occur, the general structure and scheduled activities reflect the high standards and quality that define the IPGC. We would like to express our gratitude for the overwhelming response to the call for proposals for sessions, workshops, and other activities. Due to the exceptionally high volume of submissions, we have had to create a waiting list for some proposals. Thank you for your enthusiasm and commitment! For those who wish to secure their spot in the majestic auditorium, we encourage you not to wait until the last minute: submit your abstract as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss this unique opportunity. For more information on deadlines, requirements, and topics of interest, please visit our official website or contact us directly. Submit your abstract! The 5th IPGC is co-organised by the Spanish Official Association of Geologists (ICOG), the Portuguese Association of Geologists (APG), and the European Federation of Geologists (EFG). It will take place from 5 to 7 November 2025 in Zaragoza, Spain.

Please spread the word about EFG’s participation in COP29

Published 12.11.2024. - 11:14 | Published by |
Dear EFG delegates, COP29 is about to start next week and we would like to share an update on EFG’s presence at the event: Watch the short summary by EFG Global Ambassador and COP Lead Maureen Gallagher delivered at the pre-Council session (in case you missed it): https://efgeocloud.eu/s/ZgQCLSGKeyjKpaT Web post with full details on EFG’s presence and speaking engagements: https://tinyurl.com/efg-cop29 Latest #EFGatCOP29 LinkedIn posts: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7260605523266260992 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7259947163990851585 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7256645930886582273 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7252698889617608708 Please share the posts to help us spread the word about EFG’s presence at COP29 in Baku and amplify the voice of geoscience at the international level. Thanks for your support!

100 Years of the Paratethys – Conceptual History and Modern Challenges – Final announcement

Published 26.09.2024. - 13:44 | Published by |
Dear colleagues, Everything is ready for our conference on Monday, September 30, 2024. We are looking forward to the arrival of our lecturers, colleagues, and guests. Below, you can find and download the program with the lecture schedule. On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, there will be an excursion for registered participants around the Belgrade area (8 a.m.-6 p.m.) The Organizing Committee

Invitation to CEEGS Webinar – 13 June

Published 08.06.2024. - 10:11 | Published by |

We are thrilled to announce our first webinar!

  Join us on 13 June 2024, 11:00-12:00 CEST, to discuss the "Challenges and Risks of CO2 Storage" and learn more about the CEEGS project. The programme:  
  • Welcome by moderator Marko Komac (EFG)
  • Introduction of CEEGS project by coordinator Ricardo Chacartegui (University of Seville)
  • Challenges and Risks of CO2 Storage: Using the Example of the Ketzin Test Site by Cornelia Schmidt-Hattenberger (GFZ)
  • CO2 Storage Risk Assessment: Experiences from Hontomin / PilotSTRATEGY by Sonsoles Eguilor (CIEMAT)
  • Q&A Session

Discount for SEG 2024 for EFG network

Published 03.06.2024. - 18:52 | Published by |
Dear all, EFG is a media partner of the SEG 2024 Conference: Sustainable Mineral Exploration and Development and individual members of our national associations may benefit from a discount on the registration fee. This year's SEG conference will be held in Windhoek, Namibia - a country known for its spectacular geology, unique ore deposits, and leading the way in the achievement of mineral resource sustainability of the African continent. SEG 2024 will feature invited and submitted presentations and posters that will provide updates on the latest developments in the field of economic geology and highlight the regional geology. Ten field trips and seven workshops are scheduled before and after the conference. To benefit from the discount, please use the code SEG2024EFG to save $95 on registration. Kind regards,   Anita Stein / Communication Manager anita.stein@eurogeologists.eu European Federation of Geologists Rue Jenner 13, B-1000 Brussels http://www.eurogeologists.eu

36th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop

Published 19.03.2024. - 12:04 | Published by |
  Dear Colleagues, We cordially invite you to the 36th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, which will take place in Kraków, Poland from 17th to 24th June 2024. Detailed information along with the registration form is available on website. Dr Michał Krobicki AGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection Department of General Geology and Geotourism

5th International Professional Geology Conference (IPGC)

Published 05.01.2024. - 13:35 | Published by |
  The Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos (ICOG) of Spain and the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) extend a gracious invitation for your participation in the 5th International Professional Geology Conference (IPGC), scheduled to take place from November 20 to 22, 2024. Both organizations are delighted to collaborate in the organization of this distinguished event, which will be hosted in Zaragoza, Spain. The IPGC currently offers a diverse array of conferences that focus on the professional aspects of geology, with the primary goal of bringing together both small and large companies in the sector on an international scale, along with all their stakeholders. This conference serves as a pivotal geological forum that fosters unprecedented projects, where knowledge and networking take center stage. Join industry leaders and become an integral part of shaping the future of this remarkable and essential sector. For further information please visit https://www.5th-ipgc.com/

XVII SERBIAN SYMPOSIUM ON HYDROGEOLOGY with international participation

Published 12.12.2023. - 19:38 | Published by |
  XVII SERBIAN SYMPOSIUM ON HYDROGEOLOGY with international participation will be held in the period 02-06. in October 2024 in Pirot. Every fourth year, the symposium gathers a significant number of experts in the field of hydrogeology and related scientific disciplines, representing a meeting place for domestic and foreign colleagues from the spheres of academia, business, industry and politics with the aim of presenting scientific and professional achievements and their development. The organizer of the Symposium is traditionally the Department of Hydrogeology of the Faculty of Mining and Geology, in cooperation with the Serbian Geological Society, the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, the National Committee of IAH, the Society of Geological Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, under the auspices of the City of Pirot, with the technical support of the Multilateral Center from Pirot and numerous sponsors. You can find more information about the event HERE.

EGJ issue 57: Geology at the Interdisciplinary Nexus: Why Does Collaboration Matter

Published 30.11.2023. - 21:47 | Published by |
Dear all, We have received requests to extend the deadline for the abstracts. The new deadline is 7th December 2023 whereas the Editorial Board of EGJ will decide upon accepting the proposed article by 18th December 2023. The theme of this issue is ‘Geology at the Interdisciplinary Nexus: Why Does Collaboration Matter’for publication in June 2024. You may find the guidelines for the authors at http://eurogeologists.eu/journal/. European Geologist Journal is a diamond open-access peer-reviewed journal indexed by DOAJ. Sincerely, yours Pavlos Tyrologou