Invitation to CEEGS Webinar – 13 June
Published 08.06.2024. - 10:11 | Categorised in: НекатегоризованоWe are thrilled to announce our first webinar!
Join us on 13 June 2024, 11:00-12:00 CEST, to discuss the “Challenges and Risks of CO2 Storage” and learn more about the CEEGS project.
The programme:
- Welcome by moderator Marko Komac (EFG)
- Introduction of CEEGS project by coordinator Ricardo Chacartegui (University of Seville)
- Challenges and Risks of CO2 Storage: Using the Example of the Ketzin Test Site by Cornelia Schmidt-Hattenberger (GFZ)
- CO2 Storage Risk Assessment: Experiences from Hontomin / PilotSTRATEGY by Sonsoles Eguilor (CIEMAT)
- Q&A Session