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Presentation about INFACT project results

Published 17.10.2019. - 01:28 | Published by |
Within the 9th International Mining Conference in Serbia (5-6.11.2019, Hotel Metropol Belgrade) our member Dr Vladimir Simić will have short presentation about INFACT project results where our Society is linked third-party. More information about the conference and speakers can be found HERE.

INFACT project presents its third newsletter

Published - 01:11 | Published by |
INFACTIn this new edition of the INFACT newsletter you can read about: The INFACT consortium meeting – outcomes and lessons learned; INFACT – key numbers and current status after Year 1. Where to meet the project team this spring?; Next steps – INFACT campaign in Spain. You can view the newsletter HERE. Enjoy your reading!

1st Congress of geologists of Montenegro with international participation (the first announcement)

Published 08.10.2019. - 16:44 | Published by |
Under the sponsorship of the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Geological Survey of Montenegro and the Montenegrin Geological Society are organizing the 1st Congress of Geologists of Montenegro with international participation from 14th of May to 16th of May 2020. in Budva. Ministry of Economy and Ministrv of Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as the companies: "Rudnik uglja - Pljevlja", "Uniprom Metali", "Elektroprivreda Crne Gore" and other Montenegrin companies will support Congress organizing.

Successful completion of the excursion of Hungarian geologists “Аcross Dinaric terrains of Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina”

Published 24.09.2019. - 14:51 | Published by |
The excursion (geotrip) of 22 geologists from the Hungarian Geological Society (HGS), the Geological Survey of Hungary, Universities of Budapest, Szeged, Miskolc, Sopron, and some other institutions and private companies has been successfully conducted between 8-16 September 2019. The group was led by Vice President of the HGS Szabolcs Leél-Őssy and Ex-Secretaries Mr Tibor Cserny and Ms Babinszki Edit, while our members professors Zoran Stevanović and Dragan Milovanović provided guidance and required explanations during the tour. The excursion was a part of joint activities under frame of the Memorandum of Understanding of Hungarian and Serbian geological societies, signed in June 2015.

Geotrip of the IAH Karst Commission in karst of Romania and Serbia, June 2019

Published 26.07.2019. - 12:03 | Published by |
The Karst Commission of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) in close cooperation with the Karst Commission of Serbian Geological Society and IAH National Chapter for Serbia has organized and successfully conducted Geotrip in the terrains of Carpathian Karst of Romania and Serbia. This event organized by joint effort of Romanian and Serbian hydrogeologists ook place between 14 and 18 June, 2019, and was an introduction to the 4th Conference of the Central European Group of IAH.

Promotion of New Edition Geodiversity and Geoheritage – From theory to practice

Published 21.05.2019. - 10:38 | Published by |
The monograph is the result of many years of author’s research dedicated to the study and protection of geodiversity and geoheritage objects. It introduces a historical background of the events, initiatives, strategies and basic principles of conservation of sites and objects of geoheritage value. This publication provides terminology related to geodiversity and geoheritage and identifies processes (natural) and actions (anthropogenic) that endanger or can impair their integrity, together with a wide range of possibilities, methods, remedial measures and techniques offered to prevent, overcome or avoid them. Special attention is given to valuing geoheritage, with examples from Serbia based on national and international comparison.