
The Serbian Geological Society (Srpsko geološko društvo - SGD) is a voluntary scientific organization of the Serbian geologists.

Serbian Geological Society was founded in 1891 with an objective: "to perform geological investigations of Serbian and other lands of the Balkan Peninsula, as well to inform its members and other interested parties about the achievement in the field of geology and affiliated sciences."


60th National AIPG Conference

Published 27.05.2023. - 18:21 | Published by |
  Dear members of EFG, Our sister association in North America, AIPG, the American Institute of Professional Geologists will celebrate their 60th anniversary on September 16 - 19, 2023 in Covington, Kentucky (Cincinnati, Ohio). Information for participants are available on the AIPG conference website: https://aipg.org/page/202360thAnniversaryConfSchedule I would also like to draw the attention of the EFG network to the open AIPG call for corporate sponsors. Please find detailed relevant information and contact details in the forwarded AIPG Co-Chair email below.

Training Pupils on Geosciences Through Virtual Field Trips

Published 08.05.2023. - 18:17 | Published by |
  Dear All, Within the Erasmus+ project TRiPGiFT, we are organising the free online event ‘Training Pupils on Geosciences Through Virtual Field Tripstomorrow, the 9th of May, 16:00 – 20:00 CEST (Brussels time). Please find enclosed the agenda for the event. Who should attend?
  • Educators, teachers, parents, students
  • Secondary education schools
  • Public organisations
  • NGOs working in the educational policy institutes
  • Anyone interested in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for Geoscience Education
You are invited to join the event, participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance. Please find more information and register for the free event here:

TRiPGiFT Webinar: Training Pupils on Geosciences Through Virtual Field Trips – 9 May 2023

Published 27.04.2023. - 14:25 | Published by |
Dear All, Within the Erasmus+ project TRiPGiFT we are organising the free online event ‘’ on 9 May 16:00 – 20:15 CEST (Brussels time).   Who should attend?
  • Educators, teachers, parents, students
  • Secondary education schools
  • Public organisations
  • NGOs working in the educational policy institutes
  • Anyone interested in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for Geoscience Education
Topics of discussion:
  • Introduction of the Erasmus+ Project 'TRiPGiFT'
  • Educational methodologies and practices using new technologies
  • Good practices in geoscience education for all educational levels
  • GeoVirtualFieldTrips
  • AR and VR technologies as educational tools
You are invited to join us to establish a fruitful discussion and share ideas, participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance. The programme of the event will be available soon. Please find more information and register for the free event here: Feel free to share this information within your network!

RIS Internship 2023 – Open Call

Published 22.02.2023. - 17:27 | Published by |
  Dear representatives of hosting organisations, We are happy to announce that the RIS-Internship 2023 call for the application of students is open!  It is offering a structured internship scheme where students can select from the "pool of organisations" - https://application.ris-internship.eu/organizations/  where to conduct an internship and through the platform apply for up to three organizations at: https://application.ris-internship.eu/apply-now/ . If you represent a potential hosting organisation and are looking for interns, do not miss the opportunity and register to enter the "pool of organisations" at: https://application.ris-internship.eu/apply-as-organization/ Why to apply as a host organisation?   * Structured internship programme; involving best students with coverage of their internship fees * Enhancing University - Business cooperation; familiarizing the future young professionals with real-life challenges * Capacity building; structured programme for enhancing leadership & teamwork skills for mentors at the hosting organisations * Matchmaking platform for students and host organisations   The whole process is well explained on the web page and if you have any questions, not answered at  https://www.ris-internship.eu/faq ,  feel free to ask! Join the programme and build your future with us!   With best regards, Kristina Koret E-mail: kristina.koret@rgn.unizg.hr   Links:   [1] https://application.ris-internship.eu/organizations/ [2] https://application.ris-internship.eu/apply-now/ [3] https://application.ris-internship.eu/apply-as-organization/ [4] https://www.ris-internship.eu/faq [5] https://www.rgn.unizg.hr/hr/ [6] https://dim-esee.eu/ [7] https://www.ris-internship.eu/

EFG webinar

Published 24.01.2023. - 09:30 | Published by |
  Dear all, On 2 February 2023, we are organising the EFG webinar ‘‘. The event is scheduled for 13:00 – 14:00 CET (Brussels time). The presenter of the webinar will be Christopher Atkinson, co-founder of Helios Aragon. The host of the session will be Nikolaos Koukouzas, Coordinator of the EFG Panel of Experts on CO2 & Hydrogen Geological Storage. Significant hydrogen gas shows were documented in 1963 from the Triassic Bunter Sandstone interval in the Monzón-1 exploration well drilled in the Ebro Basin of northern Spain. The Bunter Sandstone reservoir lies on a well-defined basement closure and is sealed by a thick sequence of evaporite bearing Bunter shales at a depth greater than 3500 metres below the ground surface. The geology documented in the Monzón-1 well perfectly matches the sub-surface conditions thought to be required for the entrapment and concentration of natural gold hydrogen. Despite good petrophysical indications of trapped gas presence, the well was not flow tested at the time of drilling. The intriguing conclusion is that an accumulation of gold hydrogen awaits re-discovery and it is Helios Aragon’s plan to do just that and re-drill and test the Monzón structure. Please find more information and register for the free webinar here: We invite you to participate, please feel free to share the information within your networks!

Intramountain basins – recorders of tectonics, climate, and biota interactions

Published 21.01.2023. - 16:57 | Published by |
  Dear all, We would like to draw your attention to our session “Intramountain basins – recorders of tectonics, climate, and biota interactions” during upcoming the 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology taking place in Dubrovnik (12.- 16. June 2023). Session description: Intramountain basins are an integral part of the mountain ranges. Therefore, they are important recorders of deformation, erosion, syntectonic deposition, magmatic events, variations in biodiversity, and local and regional climatic evolution. Therefore, their sedimentary succession provides an insight into links, interactions, and feedback between tectonics, climate, and biota. This session aims to assemble research efforts focusing on the dynamics and evolution of the intermountain basins at various temporal and spatial scales, and the “inversion” of their sedimentary record to reconstruct climatic, tectonic and/or biotic evolution/interaction. We invite contributions from the broad field of earth sciences based on field observations, and numerical and experimental work. Please, remember the deadline for abstract submissions is 15 February. The session will be accompanied by the pre-conference (10.-12. of June) field excursion focusing on the intramountain basins of the Dinarides lake systems and the southern Pannonian basin environmental evolution (excursion A3, please see details https://www.iasdubrovnik2023.org/eng-excursions.php). The IAS offers travel grants for IAS student members (please see details https://www.sedimentologists.org/grants).


Published 06.09.2022. - 16:41 | Published by |
Dear all, We would like to draw your attention to a free online event we are co-organising via the CROWDTHERMAL project on Wednesday, 14 September 2022, from 12:00-15:00 CEST: Empowering rural innovation by crowdfunding geothermal energy projects. CROWDTHERMAL, which is coordinated by the European Federation of Geologists, aims at empowering the European public to participate directly in developing geothermal projects with the help of alternative financing schemes and social engagement tools. The event will touch upon the topics relevant to the CROWDTHERMAL Icelandic case study, where rural innovation is an essential element in addition to the core social and financial elements that have been developed in the CROWDTHERMAL project. Icelandic speakers and international guests will help us shed the light on the interplay between geothermal energy development, rural innovation, community engagement, and crowdfunding. More information on the event: https://www.crowdthermalproject.eu/2022/08/23/empowering-rural-innovation-by-crowdfunding-geothermal-energy-projects/ Registration:   You can also find more information about the project on the website of the Serbian Geological Society.

EFG Employment Survey 2022

Published 09.08.2022. - 16:06 | Published by |
  In the annual ‘EFG Employment Survey’, the European Federation of Geologists [CLICK HERE] (EFG) aims at taking a snapshot of the current labour market for geologists in Europe and beyond: * Which industries are professional geologists working in? * What is their current employment state and security? * Do their professional activities align with their training? * Are they exploiting job opportunities in other European countries? * What are the prospects for the future? To help us produce a comprehensive report about the evolution of our profession, we would appreciate if you could take our short survey. This report will be published later this year and provide a clear overview of work opportunities in Europe, helping (future) geoscientists to orientate their studies or career decisions and providing professional associations with a steer on which services to offer to their members. The survey is available here and answering it will take you approximately 10 minutes: https://survey.zohopublic.eu/zs/ZtBjvM [CLICK HERE] For further information, you may also consult the results of the 2021 EFG Employment Survey [CLICK HERE]. Thank you in advance for your time! European Federation of Geologists Rue Jenner 13 B-1000 Brussels www.eurogeologists.eu [CLICK HERE] info.efg@eurogeologists.eu FACEBOOK TWITTER  LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE

CO2-based electrothermal energy and geological storage system

Published 22.07.2022. - 20:39 | Published by |
  Dear EFG delegates, We invite your national association to participate as an Affiliated Entity (former Linked Third Party) in a new project that will run under the Horizon Europe programme: ‘CO2-based electrothermal energy and geological storage system’. The project is expected to start in November 2022. HERE you can find a brief project description, the tasks assigned to the Affiliated Entities and the budget foreseen for these actions. In case you are interested in participating in the project, please send us an official confirmation on behalf of your national association by Wednesday, 3 August 2022. We will apply a first-come/first-served approach to select the 21 NAs that will be funded.