The Serbian Geological Society (SGD) acknowledged support and sponsorship provided in 2013. to the following companies:
Hidro-geo rad d.o.o.
Geosfera d.o.o.
InSitu d.o.o.
Geoalfa d.o.o.
In the Congress year (2014) the following companies support the SGD:
NIS a.d., Novi Sad (Diamond sponsor)
Jaroslav Černi Institute for the Development of Water Resources
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology
Department of Hydrogeology, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology
Geological Survey of Serbia
Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Bor
National Park Djerdap
Rio Tinto Serbia
Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation
Ibis inžinjering d.o.o.
The Serbian Geological Society (SGD) is a non-governmental voluntary scientific organization of Serbian geologists, established on February 10, 1891. Despite the wars and political movements which Serbia has faced, the SGD remains an autonomous body whose main task is to promote and develop geological science in the country and abroad. Thanks to the enthusiasm of its leaders and previous Boards the Society has successfully organized many geological congresses and other events.
Nowadays, when protection of the environment, use of green and renewable energy, and sustainable development and utilization of geological and natural resources has become essential, the importance of Geology as a science and discipline is not sufficiently recognized in Serbian society. To improve this situation the SGD must take a leading role in strengthening and promoting geological science. The SGD should especially provide support to young geologists by organizing popular lectures, workshops, and conferences, and by covering part of their expenses when they participate in such events. The SGD will also support publication of articles by young geologists and recognize the best ones. In addition, the SGD will organize presentations by foreign and national geological companies and provide information concerning employment opportunities and other matters via its website
These are ambitious activities and to execute them a proper financial base is a definite requirement. Membership fees are small and therefore insufficient, and governmental support has been reduced during recent years, so the Society has decided to prepare this Call for geological companies and enterprises to donate what they can to the SGD.
The Executive Board of the SGD has established four categories of donors (sponsors):
Diamond for annual support of 500,000 RSD or more;
Gold, for 300,000-500,000 RSD;
Silver, 100,000-300,000 RSD;
and finally Bronze, 30,000-100,000 RSD.
All donors will be given advertising space in the SGS journal “Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société Serbe de géologie”according to their category: Diamond will be allocated 2-3 pages or the back cover; Gold1/2 to 1 page; Silver, printed Logo and information on activities; and Bronze, the title and address. In addition to, active links with donors’ websites within the SGS official website will be established, while support will be announced at Annual Assembly meetings and other suitable events of the SGS.
Donation funds will be used exclusively for supporting young talented geologists, for publishing the SGS journal and other publications, as well as for the organization of scientific events under the auspices of the SGS.
For more information and for the Sponsorship contract, please tel/fax +381.11.2185119 or e-mail Dr Milovan Rakijas, the SGS Treasurer.