Prof. Zoran Stevanović – Honorary Member of the Hungarian Geological Society

Published 22.04.2018. - 13:51 | Published by | Categorised in:

The 168 General Assembly of the Hungarian Geological Society (HGS) decided to grant to our Past – President Prof. Zoran Stevanović (2012-2016) the Honorary Membership Award.

Award is given “in recognition of distinguished contribution to international karst-hydrogeological research, and to establish cooperation between the Serbian and Hungarian geological societies, and to strengthen scientific bilateral relationship”. Award to Prof. Stevanović is given at the ceremony in Hungarian Geological Institute (Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet – MAFI) in Budapest on 16 April 2018, when he delivered the inaugural speech and lecture „Karst Aquifer as a Global Water Source – Challenges and Opportunities“. In his words the Chairman of the session Prof. Janos Szanyi and Prof. Stevanović emphasised that award is additional sign of long-term successful cooperation of geologists of the two countries. There are still space and demands to strengthen bilateral cooperation of the two societies and implementation of common projects. It is planned in 2019 to organise the excursion for Hungarian colleagues across terrains of Dinaric system including neighbouring Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina.

From left: (1) Award (2) At the entrance of historical building of MAFI – Tibor Cserny, Secretary of HGS, Aleksandra Maran Stevanović, Zoran Stevanović, Scaba Baksa, President of HGS, and Prof. Janos Szanyi (3) Admission Lecture (4) Tibor Cserny, Scaba Baksa, Zoran Stevanović, and newly elected President of HGS Tamas Budai