Abstract submission is closed.


  1. Fundamental geology (Мineralogy, cristalography, petrology and geochemistry; Regional geology and paleontology)
  2. Exploration and sustainable valorisation of mineral resources
  3. Geology and development of oil and gas deposits
  4. Hydrogeological exploration and solutions
  5. Engineering geology & geotechnical exploration and solutions
  6. Geophysical exploration and applications
  7. Geoeducation, geoheritage and geoecology
  8. Geology solves problems
  9. Western Tethys meets Eastern Tethys – geodynamical, paleoceanographical and paleobiogeographical events (session in English only!)

Abstract guidelines

  1. Authors are invited to submit short presentations of their research in form of abstracts to enable further publishing of broad results of topics concerned. Upon decision of the Scientific Committee of 18th Congress, authors of selected abstracts would be invited to prepare papers for the Serbian national geological journals Geološki anali Balkanskog poluostrva (Annales Geologiques de la Peninsule Balkanique) or Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva (Comptes rendus des séances da la Société Serbe de géologie).
  2. Abstracts would be printed in Serbian (or any language from Fromer Yugoslavia) and in English in an equivalent length. Authors from abroad are not obliged to provide Serbian version. The length should be 1+1 page (one Serbian, one English).
  3. A maximum of two abstracts can be submitted per submitting author, one for oral and other for poster presentation. The Scientific Committee have the right to change the mode of presentation. Accepted abstracts of authors who have not paid registration fee will not be included in the programme nor publication.

Instructions for preparing the abstract

Before submitting abstracts via electronic form, the abstract should be written according to the instructions and template.

  1. The abstract should be prepared in Microsoft Word 2003-2007, font Times New Roman 11, single space, left align, no page numbering. All margins are 2.5 cm.
  2. The Title should be short and informative (maximum 12 words, font size 12, ALL CAPS, bold, centered).
  3. Full name and surname of all authors (font 11, bold, centered), Affiliation and е-mail of first author (font 11, centered)
  4. Key words 3-6 (font 11, bold, left align)
  5. Text: Font 11, left align, first line 12.7 mm

Instructions for preparing a poster

Posters for Congress are A0 dimension and portrait orietation.


You can download the congress logo HERE

You can download the Book of abstract HERE.