5th IAH CEG Conference – abstract submission has been extended to May 5

Published 26.04.2022. - 16:03 | Published by | Categorised in:


Dear colleagues!

I would like to inform you that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to May 5.

Also, I am pleased to inform you that we have found sponsors and that the field trip is now included in the registration fee and does not cost extra!

I am sending you the updated second announcement and call for abstracts for the 5th IAH CEG (International Association of Hydrogeologists, Central European Group) conference to be held in Rogaska Slatina, October 5-7, 2022.

I kindly ask you to disseminate the information about the conference and the new deadline for abstract submission among your colleagues and association members.


I am looking forward to your contributions and welcome you,


Barbara Cencur Curk

On behalf of the IAH CEG Conference Organising Committee